Welcome to Lebainu

Connected Heart to Heart

"You don't even know how much you do."
- A Lebainu Member



Here for you

Lebainu’s mission is to help emotionally support young women and teens 14-25 who suffer from mental illness through connection to peers and the normalization of struggles. We accept girls from anywhere in the world. You do not need an official diagnosis to join Lebainu.

Join Our Team

Lebainu is always looking for women and girls who are willing to give of their time in order to provide care and support to our members. Whether you are looking to spearhead a burgeoning program or assist with technical support, graphic design, public relations, fundraising, or secretarial work, or become a mentor for a younger girl, your time is valuable to us. Reach out and we can match you with a task that fulfills your aspirations and schedule.


I just read through the welcome packet. In the past 5 years since I've been diagnosed, I've cried many, many times. But for the first time in all those years, I'm sitting and crying tears of hope instead of pain and despair. Mental illness is not a package I've ever asked for, but for the first time I feel like I'm not alone, that other people care for my struggle. It's a lonely journey, but now I feel like I'm no longer alone. My only question is how I've survived until now.
Thank you for...I don't even know all that you're doing behind the scenes, but I do know that Lebainu is literally preserving my sanity.
I received my first care package today. I can't even describe what it felt like to open a package that someone out there who doesn't know me sent just so I feel supported and cared about! Thank you for making me feel human. Thank you for showing me that I'm not alone. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Thank you for trying to erase the stigma and increase support. Thank you for building a small world where we can feel safe.
I have no words for all that you are doing! It is making this incredibly painful time in my life a little bit easier!
I just wanted to extend my thanks to you, for all the wonderful work that you do! Every time I receive an email with inspiration, it makes me want to thank you for all your dedication! It reminds me, in times of despair, that I'm not alone and people do care. May Hashem repay you and may you continue to give, because your work doesn't go unnoticed, you're helping girls live!
I truly don't know what would've been if I hadn't joined Lebainu.
Before I joined Lebainu, I was really lost and alone. Just thinking that I'm the only girl struggling already put me into a dark place. But then I heard of Lebainu, and from the moment I signed up, I felt better than I've ever felt before. Just knowing that other people are here and can understand my struggles makes me feel less alone, which is a feeling I haven't experienced in a very long time.
It makes me feel so relaxed knowing I'm not the only one on this wobbly ship, fighting my struggle every day. Thanks for being a real support for me and all the other girls!
I can't even tell you the amount of days I pulled myself out of bed just to see what was in my inbox, because I knew something was waiting there for me. I KNOW I would not have been able to pull through the hard times without Lebainu's support and programs. I owe my life to Lebainu.
Lebainu gives me the strength to fight, grow, and face my challenges head-on rather than go on living a fraction of a life. Knowing that there are so many girls fighting just like me empowers me to not give up on myself!


Lebainu Support, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity organization. We rely solely on donations in order to keep our operations going. YOU can make a tremendous impact in teens’ lives with your contribution.  There are many suffering daily with mental illness for which there is medical help available, but not support. Your dollar can change the course of a member’s life by helping them feel that they are not alone!

By the numbers

Lebainu Members
0 +
Emails Sent
0 +
Packages Sent
0 +
Hotline Minutes listened
0 +